We provide long term residential support to clients who need additional support with day to day living. We have a number of residential care options, including a 31 room residential home and a number of smaller (one to six bedroom) homes in Christchurch.

Our team’s priority is providing the 24 hour support necessary for our residents to achieve the lifestyle goals they have set, to lead ordinary lives and to express their individuality. We adhere to the social model of disability and our passion is providing freedom and support to maintain individuality, identity and personal lifestyle within a strong community focus. We build trusting relationships and individual programmes that maximise self-management, community connection and inclusion.
To meet unique needs of individual clients, we provide the following services:
- Exercise programmes either in our on-site gym or Jellie Park Recreation and Sports Centre
- 24-hour clinical nursing oversight including individualised health related solutions and health promotion
- Individual support for personal care needs and activities of daily living
- Special diets and dietitian plans
- Recreation programmes both on and off site, including a choir
- Chaplaincy services, from the Trust’s visiting chaplain or spiritual advisor of your choice
- Support with equipment needs

Get in touch
For more information about this service and availability, find out how we can help you.
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